
Citrix ShareFile Virtual Data Room

A Citrix ShareFile virtual data room is specifically designed to facilitate fast and effective collaboration for highly confidential processes. ShareFile VDR offers exclusive features that make it easy for everyone involved in the deal to access, review, edit and approve sensitive documents.

View-only access
With view-only access, the VDR administrator can prevent users from downloading and distributing documents. This feature is exclusive to ShareFile VDR; standard ShareFile accounts require users to download a file in order to view it. Another bonus: document views do not count toward your VDR bandwidth allotment; ShareFile VDR provides unlimited view-only access for as many users as needed.

Dynamic watermarking
Dynamic watermarking imprints unique information about the viewer on each document that is viewed or downloaded. Watermark references may include any of the following: email address, IP information, date stamp, time stamp, first name, last name, company name or specific words of your choosing like “Confidential” or “Property of Acme Inc.” Because dynamic watermarks cannot be stripped from the document, they deter users from taking screenshots or pictures of documents to share, since the leaked information will be readily identifiable.

Advanced analytics and reporting
ShareFile VDR analytics and reporting tools track usage and activity throughout the VDR account. The analytics section offers a snapshot of statistics on the most active users, most viewed documents, longest viewed documents and recent searches. The reporting section logs all of the audit trails, access permissions, data transfer and messaging.

Click trails
With click trails, the ShareFile VDR administrator can view a timeline of every user’s session. It tracks where and when the user navigated through the account and the amount of time spent on a section or specific document.

Secure Q&A section
The ShareFile VDR Q&A section allows participants to securely ask questions pertaining to the folders they have access to. The question can then be securely answered by an administrator on the folder. The administrator can also decide whether the question remains private or should be accessible to everyone who has access to that folder. If the question is made ‘public,’ the identity of the person who asked or answered the question can be hidden. The Q&A section also has an export function to save an audit trail of all questions and answers for a transaction. The Q&A creates a secure and easily tracked trail for communication that can be easily lost in phone calls and emails.

Full text search
Full text search allows ShareFile VDR users to search not only for a document or folder name, but also for words within documents. Each user is able to search through his or her privatized index only.

Terms and conditions
Instead of transferring NDAs, privacy statements or other terms back and forth among your team, the terms and conditions feature on the ShareFile VDR login page allows you to require all users to agree to your specified terms and conditions before logging into the system.

Ready to give it a try? Sign up for a ShareFile Virtual Data Room free trial or give us a call at 1-888-260-6550 to set up a demo.

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