
Bad security habits are hard to break. 4 ways Citrix ShareFile can help

Throughout the motions of collaborating digitally, you may not realize you could be putting important company data at risk. Have you attached a file to an email? Have you shared a document in a digital chat message? It seems harmless while powering through a to-do list, but every message provides an opening for phishing attacks or credential theft.

Citrix ShareFile can help overcome digital collaboration challenges by taking the security guesswork out of your daily grind. Here’s how ShareFile’s simple end-user tools can enable secure and seamless collaboration.

Challenge 1: Attaching sensitive data like financials, customer lists, or intellectual property to an email is a security nightmare.

You have all the intention of being safe but also just want to finish your project on time. Adding an attachment to an email can be dangerous because once sent, you have no control over what happens to the data or who it is shared with.

How to solve: Use the Citrix ShareFile “get a link” feature

  • Set security permissions on who can view what, when, and for how long
  • Require people to log in to download a shared file
  • Set limits on how long a file can be accessed and how many times it can be downloaded
  • Access via Citrix’s plug-in for Microsoft Outlook or Gmail to automatically convert files into a link

Watch the video below to see how to avoid attachments in email.

Challenge 2: Ensure documents are only viewed by the intended recipient

You’ve seen the headlines about data breaches and precautions, but you might not be aware when you are bypassing security controls. In a 2020 Data Protection report, it was found that around 30 percent of surveyed companies attributed a data breach to deliberate theft by external vendors, followed by human error or accidental loss by an employee.

How to solve: Work out of the Citrix ShareFile web app, Citrix’s native files integration or Citrix Files mobile app

  • Securely access and share documents on any device, inside and outside your business within a user-friendly UI
  • Use “get a link” to send sensitive information by dropping a secure link into digital chat messages
  • Request files from external users by sending them an upload link

This image shows how you can right-click or alt-click on the file name in your connected file repository to get a link. This can be pasted into a chat message or email. Viewers always see the most recent version. You can disable the link at any time from ShareFile.


Challenge 3: Controlling who can see or edit the content you share, especially with people outside your company

Have you had the need to collaborate on a file, yet the collaborator is outside the company network and cannot open the file to edit? Often there are blanket security policies with an all-or-nothing approach. Before you go rogue and find an unsecure way to exchange information, use ShareFile’s secure client portal. You can even avoid the frustration of prolonged email chains with an integrated feedback and approval feature.

How to solve: ShareFile allows external clients to upload or view documents with pre-set security settings

  • Share large files via secure link so you never get a “size limit” bounce back.
  • Retain full control over what clients can access so you can leave out unnecessary and confidential information.
  • Need final signoff from a client? Use ShareFile’s feedback and approval feature. Depending on your plan, you can even get legally binding electronic signatures.

This image shows the detailed options available when selecting “get a link.” See this support article for full details.


Challenge 4: Tracking down an answer is challenging during remote work

Have you received feedback via a long email thread, yet you don’t understand the outcome or next steps? What about getting signatures on an agreement, yet the client missed a notation, or you cannot track them down? Paper-based processes expose sensitive data and can easily turn digital. A 2020 survey noted that 79 percent of legal business employees default to printing documents that need to be signed or reviewed.

How to solve: ShareFile has several collaboration features and built-in electronic signature workflows

  • File check in/check out: This is perfect if you don’t have co-editing software. You can edit on your own computer and check in when ready. There’s even version control.
  • Open and edit: You can work directly on a file. Changes are automatically saved and synced. This works great for offline work when there is no internet connection.
  • Co-editing: Users with a Microsoft Office 365 license can co-edit documents live in real time and save back to ShareFile.
  • Automated reminders: Never miss a deadline for an electronic signature.


Work More Securely with Citrix ShareFile

With these top tips for collaborating securely, you will overcome top digital collaboration challenges. The end-user tools will enable secure and seamless collaboration.

If you are not currently using Citrix ShareFile you can try it now for free.

Signup for ShareFile Now.