
ShareFile StorageZone Connectors

This brief describes StorageZone Connectors, a strategic feature of Citrix ShareFile that mobilizes existing enterprise data.

ShareFile vs. Google Drive

Find a side-by-side comparison of ShareFile and Google Drive, plus an in-depth look at the pros and cons of each file-sharing platform.

Secure Cloud Collaboration: 5 Ways To Reduce Risk

Explore the best 5 ways to reduce risk of a data breach by clicking here now and reading Citrix ShareFile's guide to secure cloud collaboration.

Keep File Sharing Efficient In Virtual Environments

Explore how to keep your file sharing efficient using virtual environments by clicking here and visiting Citrix ShareFile.

Getting Started with ShareFile

Got a new ShareFile account? Click here to see how best to get started with your new account by reading this simple guide now.

ShareFile + e-signatures

Click here to discover how ShareFile can make it easier to send, share and sign all in one secure account. Use ShareFile to send any file, any size from any device.

The truth about cloud security

Click here to discover the truth about cloud security. We have developed a list of 13 facts you need to know!

Why Automation Will Make People, not Machines, Invaluable to Business.

Discover why automation will make people, not machines, invaluable to business in the future contrary to popular belief.